9 Amazing Benefits of Dates (Khajoor) - Caduceus to Health

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9 Amazing Benefits of Dates (Khajoor)

What are Dates?

Dates belong to the palm family. It bears flowers and belongs to the flowering plant species. It has different name in different language, for example it is called Khajoor in Urdu and Hindi, Tawarikh in Arabic and Palmier in French and scientifically it is called Phoenix dactylifera. It is believed that Iraq is the origin of dates. Dates trees are available in different heights ranges from 10 feet to 120 feet.

Dates are very popular staple food for thousands of years in Middle East and also one of the main sources of income for the people of Middle East. In Ancient Egyptians date wine was very popular. Date tree is almost 50 million year old according to the fossil records. That was a short introduction of date; now let’s talk about the benefits of dates.

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Benefits for constipation

According to the study, dates are very helpful for the treatment of constipation. The pulp of the date can aid in treating constipation. According to the research paper of University of Rochester Medical Centre, deficiency of fiber can cause constipation (Rochester).

All of us know that dates are rich source of fiber.   Eating 20 to 35 gram of fiber regularly can make our stool soft and prevent the constipation. Fiber regulates our bowl movement and contributes in stool formation. You should take dates regularly and limit the items which have no fiber or poor in fiber.

Benefits for Brain Health

Dates are full of potassium and have a very little amount of sodium which is very important to keeps our nervous system strong. Potassium keeps the cholesterol in control and reduces the risk of stroke (Musthafa Mohamed Essa, 2016). Dates are also very important to reduce stress and keep the mind free from stress. Dates are also very helpful to slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s (Subash S, 2015). Dates can also prevent inflammation in the brain.

Benefits for Weight gain

Although over weight is a serious issue for lot of people, but there is a huge amount of people who are under weight and wants to gain the weight. If you are too skinny and wants to put some pounds on you, then you should eat dates regularly. Dates are rich in sugar, proteins and vitamins which help us to gain weight. If you don’t want to gain and also want to enjoy dates, don’t worry eating dates with cucumber keeps our weight in normal position.

Benefits for Colon Cancer

Dates are very helpful for the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut which reduces the growth of colon cancer (Reem A. Al-Alawi, 2017). For all age groups dates can work as a helpful tonic, and they are more useful than medicines in some cases. Dates have no side effects on human body because they are natural. But you should be careful while eating the dates, because poor packaging and badly processed dates could be harmful for us.

Benefits for Bones

Now a day’s Osteoporosis is a diseases in which bones become weaker. It is very common in old age people. Dates contain manganese, copper, selenium and magnesium which are very important for our bones. According to a report, dates also contain boron which is very healthy for bones (Nordstrom, 2014). So we should eat dates to prevent osteoporosis and make our bones strong.

Benefits for Anemia

Dates are full of iron which makes them perfect supplement for the patients of anemia. There are some anemia patients which inherent lack of iron, dates are perfect supplement to increase their energy level and decrease the feelings of tiredness.

Benefits for Skin

Dates contain vitamin C and D which keeps our skin smooth. Dates also have anti-aging benefits. So if you have skin problems, dates should be an essential part of your diet. Dates also prevent the accumulation of melanin in our body. We all know that hormones play a key role in our appearance. Dates can be useful to improve our skin appearance and remove wrinkles (Bauza E, 2002).

Benefits for Inflammation

According to the report of online library, dates are very rich in components which fight against inflammation (Safia Ali Haimuod, 2016). Magnesium is very important for our immune system. Dates are very important source of magnesium which makes our immune system strong enough to prevent inflammation. So dates should be in tour diet if you are suffering from inflammation.

Benefits for Healthy Pregnancy

Are the dates helpful during pregnancy? Yes dates are very helpful for pregnant women through their calories. Pregnant women have to take 300 calories more than non pregnant women.  Dates are very rich in nutrients. Fiber prevents pregnancy hemorrhoids, and we have discussed above dates are full of fiber.
So keep in mind all these benefits of Dates and make them essential part of your diet and stay healthy.

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Bauza E, D. F. (2002). Date palm kernel extract exhibits antiaging properties and significantly reduces skin wrinkles. Int J tissue React.
Musthafa Mohamed Essa, M. A. (2016). Beneficial effects of date palm fruits on neurodegenerative diseases. Neural Regen Research .
Nordstrom, J. G.-R. (2014). Nourish Your Bones. Food and Nutrition .
Reem A. Al-Alawi, J. H.-M. (2017). Date Palm Tree (Phoenix dactylifera L.): Natural Products and Therapeutic Options. Front Plant Science .
Rochester, U. o. Constipation.
Safia Ali Haimuod, R. A. (2016). Antioxidant and Anti‐Inflammatory Properties of Widely Consumed Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Fruit Varieties in Algerian Oases.
Subash S, E. M. (2015). Diet rich in date palm fruits improves memory, learning and reduces beta amyloid in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. J Ayurveda Integr Med .

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