obesity causes and treatments - Caduceus to Health

Friday, June 1, 2018

obesity causes and treatments

What is Obesity?

A person whose weight is at least 20% higher than it has to be is considered as obese. You will be considered overweight if your BMI is between of 25 and 29.9, and you will be considered obese if your BMI is 30 or above. If your BMI is between of 18.5 and25, then your weight is in ideal range. People with BMI less than 18.5 are considered as underweight. BMI is not very definite way to diagnose obesity, because sometimes people have high BMI if they are very muscular. But still BMI is very helpful to identify whether you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese.

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 Obesity can lead you to some serious diseases like gallstones, diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure. Obesity can also lead a person to cancer. It is difficult to treat obesity because it has a regeneration rate. There are high chances of weight regain within the five years of your weight loss. Medication and diet plan can help the patient but it’s not a short term process. You have to follow diet plan, exercise regularly, and participate in physical activity.

In United States obesity has increased very fast. Almost two out of three adults are obese or overweight. Obesity is also increasing in childe. Obesity is also spreading throughout the world; it is doubled from 1991 to 1998. In 2014 almost 37 percent of adults were obese in United States.

Health Risks Associated with Obesity

Obesity is very harmful to one’s health in many ways. Almost 112,000 people died per year due to obesity in United States. In these deaths most patients had BMI greater than 30. Patient of obesity have a greater risk of chronic diseases which includes gallstone, sleep apnea, gout, cancer, congestive heart failure, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, insulin resistance and many more.

        Insulin Resistance

Insulin is very important to transport blood glucose into our body. Insulin is also very important to keep our blood glucose level under control. When insulin does not transport blood glucose to our cells this condition is called insulin resistance. Muscle cells are less resistant to insulin as compare to fat cells. Insulin resistance is caused due to obesity. Pancreas of an obese person does not produce enough insulin to keep blood glucose to normal level.

        Type 2 Diabetes

An obese person also has a greater risk of diabetes. The type 2 diabetes is directly associated with central obesity. Central Obesity is a condition in which excessive fat gathered around the waist. If a person is insulin resistant he/she has a greater risk to diabetes.

        High Blood Pressure

Obese Persons are tends to be more hyperactive than a normal person. Hyperactive is a condition in which you get more excited easily and cannot stay still or think about your work. Hyperactive person have a poor concentration and require less sleep. Blood pressure increases more significantly in obese women than men.

        Heart Attack

The risk of coronary artery disease increases three to four times if your BMI is greater than 29. The risk of coronary artery disease increases by 1% with every 1KG increase in body weight. An obese person is more likelihood to have a heart attack. If an obese person already had a heart attack he is more likely to have a second heart attack.


Obese people have a greater risk of colon cancer as compare to the normal persons. Obesity is also a risk factor for rectum and prostate cancer in men and gallbladder and uterus cancer in women. Breast cancer is also associated with obesity, particularly in postmenopausal women.

Causes of Obesity

A person’s weight is determined by the balance between energy expenditure and calorie intake. A person gains weight if he/she takes more calorie than he/she burns through physical activity, and a person loses weight if he/she takes fewer calories than he/she burns through physical activity. In modern living obesity is a common problem of many people because they eat food which is rich in calories and do their work by sitting on a desk or on a sofa or in their cars. There are too many factors behind obesity let’s discuss them in detail:

        Eating too much calories

In developed countries people are eating too much food which is rich in calories however this is spreading worldwide. Billions of dollars are spent on awareness campaigns to encourage people to eat healthy food, but still lot of people is continuing overeating. In United States 14% of adult population was obese in 1980; and it increases to 31% in 2000 and this figure goes to 37% in 2014. Almost every one of us is using sweet drinks, which are a rich source of carbohydrate. In United States the consumption of fast food is almost tripled in last three decades. Fast food and carbohydrates are very rich source of calories; too much use of these types of food items can lead us to obesity.

        Desk bound Lifestyle

Due the facilities like washing machines, dish washers, cars, computers and many more, people are leading a deskbound life. In developed countries like United States people are very dependent on cars. They do not want to travel by self even if their destination is only a few hundred meters away. Most of the jobs in USA are deskbound; no physical activity is required in these jobs. You just have to sit on your chair in front of your computer and do your work for a whole day without doing any physical activity. To burn more calories you have to be involved in a physical activity. Physical activity just not burn calories, it also has an effect on our daily life. Physical activity is very important to keep our insulin level under control. As we discussed above unstable insulin is a cause of obesity.

        Less Sleeping

Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick has carried out a research, and according to that research the risk of obesity is doubled if you do not sleep enough. Due to the lack of sleep our body starts producing Ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates appetite. And due to less sleep the production of Leptin is reduced. Leptin is a hormone that holds back appetite.


According to Annals of Pharmacotherapy there are some medicines which cause weight gain. So if you start gaining weight after you start taking some medicines, it could be a cause of weight gain. There is a wide variation in response of medicines to weight gain. If you are gaining weight it is better to discuss it with your physician before discontinuing your medications because this could be dangerous for you.  If an individual is predisposed to obesity, he/she should select an alternative therapy by discussing the issue with the physician.

        Psychological Problems

Some people start eating frequently in stress, anger or sadness. In a TV show with title “My 600-LB Life” on Discovery Channel, lot of people confessed that they starts eating too much to overcome their depression or anger. While lot of people who are overweight have no psychological problem. But still psychological problems are one of the causes of obesity.

        Social Issues

There are some social issues which are directly connected with obesity. Social issues like lack of money to buy healthy foods or less safe places to walk and exercise could cause obesity. If you are living in a big city everything is available at your doorstep and you do not have to walk to take them which could be a cause of obesity.

Treatments of Obesity

The treatment of obesity is a lifelong process and cannot be a short term process. The obese person has to acknowledge that a modest weight loss is also beneficial.  To prevent obesity we have to control the causes of obesity. So let’s discuss the steps which we can take to treat obesity.

        Eating Healthy Food

It is very important to eat healthy food while treating obesity. Read the calorie table before eating anything. Obese people are advised to reduce calorie intake by minimum 600 calories a day if they want to lose weight. It means take maximum 1400 to 1900 calories a day.
It is really important to swap energy drinks and fast food with healthy drinks and healthy food to achieve your planned body weight. Try to avoid salty food because it could be dangerous to your blood pressure.

Your daily food should contain plenty of vegetables and fruits, bread, rice and starchy food. Milk and dairy food items, meat, fish and eggs are also very important when you are treating obesity. Take a very small amount of food which is rich in calories and sugar.
Do not take very low calorie food. You will lose weight rapidly but it will make you weak. So these foods are not recommended for everyone.

        Exercise Regularly

Taking healthy food will help you to lose your weight, but physical activities are very important to maintain healthy weight. Daily exercise will not only help you to lose weight but it will also help you to maintain it. So it is highly recommended to exercise daily when you are treating obesity. Daily exercise has many benefits along with weight loss such as it reduces diabetes risk by 40% and many more. It is highly recommended to everyone to exercise at least 150 minutes a week to stay healthy.

You should pick activities you enjoy and want to continue. To stay motivated it is important to exercise with family or friends. It is said that it’s never too late, so take a start today.

        Sleeping Properly

It is really important for an adult to sleep at least 6 hours a day. If your job does not allow you to sleep for 6 hours continuously take napes to complete 6 hours. It is better to sleep at night but it is not necessary to sleep 6 hours continuously in the night; you could also sleep in the day time to make it 6 hours a day of your sleep. So sleep properly and stay healthy.


There are many different types of medicines which are used for the treatment of obesity. You should discuss it with your physician before starting any medicine. You cannot achieve your desired results only with medicines. So start exercising daily along with medicines to achieve your desired results.


It is really important to keep balance between your calories intake and consumption of them. What you are will be determined by what you eat. To maintain your ideal weight you will be dependent on the food you eat. So eat healthy and stay healthy. The U.S Department of Agriculture has issued the following instructions:

Ø  Have a variety in your food.
Ø  Balance your calorie intake with exercise to physical activity.
Ø  Your food must contain plenty of fruits, vegetables and grain.
Ø  Chose low fat and low cholesterol diet.
Ø  You should choose a moderate diet in sugars, salt and sodium.
Ø  Drink Moderate alcoholic beverages.

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