Diabetes Symptoms, Causes and Prevention - Caduceus to Health

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Diabetes Symptoms, Causes and Prevention


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which your blood sugar level behaves abnormally. Actually pancreas in our body produces insulin to control blood sugar level. Failure of our body to use insulin or malfunctioning of pancreas in the production of insulin can cause the diabetes. To give energy to our cells insulin helps the glucose to get in our cells. Glucose or sugar in our body comes from our daily food. Diabetes can cause serious problems to our body. High blood sugar can cause damage to our kidneys, eyes or even our nerves. The reason behind our stroke, heart disease or even limb removal could be the diabetes.

There are three main types of diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. In type 1 diabetes our pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which control blood sugar level. In type 2 diabetes our body does not use insulin properly. Type2 diabetes is more common than type1 diabetes.

There are tests to determine the sugar level in blood. You can control your diabetes problem by regular exercise, weight control and by following proper diet plan. You have to monitor your blood sugar level regularly and take medicines if prescribed by your doctor.

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Symptoms of Diabetes

It is really important to control your diabetes at initial level because type 2 can cause serious complications to our health. It is important for everyone to be aware of the symptoms of diabetes and get tested if he has any of these.  Treating diabetes at early stage is easy.

Sometime type 2 diabetes has no particular signs at initial level. Almost 33% of diabetes patients are not even aware that they have diabetes. So it is really important to talk to your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms.  Here we will discuss the warning signs of diabetes and there importance.

Some most common signs of diabetes are:
Ø Feeling very hungry even you have eaten your meal
Ø Very Often Urinating
Ø Blood in Urine
Ø Feeling very thirsty
Ø Dry Mouth
Ø Wheezing
Ø Tiredness
Ø Blurry visions
Ø Losing weight even though you are eating healthy food
Ø Feeling pain in hands or feet
Ø Headaches
Ø Feeling Hopeless
Ø Chest Pain
Ø Weakness in arms and legs

Above mentioned are the common symptoms of diabetes if you have any of these visits your doctor and test your blood sugar level as soon as possible. With the help of exercise and proper medication a diabetic person can live an active life. If you are detected with the early level diabetes then the risk of developing complications is under control.

Pregnant women often have no symptoms of gestational diabetes. So it is important for them to test their blood sugar level at a proper time and avoid the complications.

Causes of Diabetes

There are no universal factors which cause diabetes. Causes of diabetes vary person to person depending on their family history, genetic makeup, health and environmental factors. There are no common factors which fit for the cause of each type of diabetes. So we are going to discuss the cause of every type of diabetes separately.

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

Destruction of cells by the immune system in pancreas that make insulin causes the type 1 diabetes. In this type body does not have enough insulin to work normally. This type is an autoimmune reaction because in this condition body starts attacking itself. The exact cause of this type of diabetes is not known yet, but following are the most possible triggers which can cause it.

Ø Genetic disposition
Ø Bacterial infection
Ø Food toxins
Ø Viruses
Overweight is not considered as a cause of type 1 diabetes.


Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes. In this type our body sells resist the action of insulin. Our pancreas does not produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance. Exact causes of type 2 are also unknown, but the most common causes are given below:
Ø Genes and Family History of Diabetes
Ø Improper Diet
Ø Obesity
Ø Old Age
Ø Illness

Causes of Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes during the pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes. It is believed that this type of diabetes is caused by the changes in hormones during the period of pregnancy. Placenta produces hormones during the pregnancy to sustain it. Cells become more resistant to insulin because of these hormones. Normally our pancreas produces enough insulin to respond these cells. But sometimes or pancreas do not respond to these cells, which causes gestational diabetes. Following are the factors which increases the chances of gestational diabetes:
Ø Polycystic ovary syndrome
Ø Obesity
Ø Over weight baby
Ø Family history of Gestational Diabetes

Other Causes of Diabetes

There are many other potential factors which can cause diabetes. These are:
Ø Glucocorticoid Therapy
Ø Glucagonoma
Ø Cushing’s syndrome
Ø Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Ø Pancreatitis
Ø Mutation
Ø Hemochromatosis


Prevention of Diabetes

Prevention of diabetes means preventing type 2 diabetes. There is a period when our blood sugar level becomes higher than the normal level but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes, this condition is called pre-diabetes. Almost 70% of people who are in pre-diabetes condition go on to develop type 2 diabetes. It is not inevitable to progress from pre-diabetes to diabetes. There are many factors which we cannot change, such as past behavior, genes, and age. Luckily we can reduce the risk of diabetes by taking some actions which are given below:


Physical Activity

Regular exercise can help us to lose weight and lower our body sugar. By doing work out regularly we can prevent diabetes.  By regular exercise our cells become more sensitive to insulin. In that way less exercise is required to maintain blood sugar. High intensity work out can increases almost 85% of insulin sensitivity.

Many exercises are introduced to increase insulin sensitivity for obese and prediabetic persons, such as high intensity interval training, aerobic exercise, and strength training. Regular workout increases the insulin sensitivity. It is really important to choose a physical activity which you can enjoy, because you have to do it on regular basis for a long term.

Fiber rich food

Fiber is very helpful for weight management and gut health. Fiber helps us to keep our blood sugar and insulin under control. Fiber after mixing with water form a gel, which slow down the digestion process and lead to a gradual increase in blood sugar. Fiber reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also helps us to reduce our weight. Fiber rich foods are given below:
Ø Sweet Potatoes
Ø Almonds
Ø Popcorn
Ø Kidney Beans
Ø Carrots
Ø Bananas
Ø Raspberries
Ø Apples
Ø Avocado
Ø Strawberries
Ø Pears
Ø Chia Seeds
Ø Dark Chocolate

Lose Extra Weight

Majority of the people who develop type 2 diabetes are obese or overweight. Excessive fati our body helps the cells to become insulin resistant. Weight loss and regular exercise can reducethe risk of diabetes up to 60%. Every 1Kg weight loss will reduce the risk of diabetes by 16%, and maximum up to 96%. So lose every pound you can lose to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Ignore Fad Diet

Refined carbs and sugary foods can speed up the development of diabetes. Our body immediately breaks down this food and absorbs the sugar into our bloodstream. This can increase our blood sugar progressively and turned into type 2 diabetes. Fast digestive carbs will increase the risk of diabetes up to 40%.

Avoid Sweet Drinks and use Water instead

Water is the best and natural beverage that we can drink. Beverages which are rich in sugar like soda and punch increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.  If a person consumes two sweet drinks a day then he/she has 20% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.  If you replace sodas with water while you are trying to lose weight then your insulin resistance and blood sugar level will decrease. So start drinking water instead of sugary drinks.

Quit Smoking

As we all know smoking can cause serious diseases. Can it cause diabetes? Answer is yes it can cause type 2 diabetes. In regular smokers risk of diabetes increases by 44%, and it goes to 61% in those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day. If you quit smoking your risk of diabetes will reduce to 13% in five years, and after 20 years your risk of diabetes will be similar to non smoker. SO if you want to avoid diabetes stop smoking immediately.

Maintain Vitamin D

For controlling blood sugar vitamin D is very important. People with lower vitamin D level have high risk of all types of diabetes. It is recommended to maintain vitamin D blood level of at least 75 nmol /I. People with high vitamin D have 43% less risk of type 2 diabetes than those with lowest vitamin D.
In children risk of type 1 diabetes will reduce by 78% if they take vitamin D supplements. So give your children vitamin D supplements after discussing with your doctor.

There are many foods which rich in vitamin D such as cod liver oil and fatty fish. Sun is also a good source of vitamin D, exposure to sun can also increase vitamin D in our body.

We can control many factors which can influence diabetes. Chose the best food and adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid the risk of diabetes.

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